The chemical composition of the soil, the exposure to the sun, the sea winds and humidity give our grapes unique features, that change according to every slightest variation.
The Greek origins of our vine-growing still resonate in the bush vine training system: an ancient viticultural practice. It had spread because water shortages, strong winds and the extreme slope of the land did not allow for other forms of vine breeding.
The growers of our cooperative are continuing to adopt this traditional technique, updated according to the dictates of modern quality vine-growing, which returns authentic and memorable flavors, fruits of an ancient knowledge.
Raising vines using the bush vine system (called in Italian: “vite ad alberello”) is an advantage for the quality of the product, as well as a necessity for us. It makes it possible to optimize the narrow terraced fields, skillfully and patiently built by our predecessors, and the harvest which is carried out strictly by hand, grape after grape.